Schools Helping Schools

Building relationships to deliver innovative coverage
and services

X. Third-Party/Contractor Management

1. There should be established requirements for all contracts.

a. Contracts should include language for hold harmless and indemnification.

2. The district should specifically designate those individuals with authority to sign contracts on behalf of the district.

3. Certificates of insurance should be required for all contractors/vendors/parties who contract with the district or use district facilities.

a. Certificates of insurance and bonds are validated before contract approval.

b. The district has minimum insurance and bonding requirements that meet SISC IIís Ownerís Instructions For Insurance.

4. Memorandums of Understanding and/or Facilities Use Agreements should be used as appropriate.

5. Visitor/contractors access to facilities should be strictly controlled and monitored. Penal Code 627.2, 627.3, 627.6

6. A contractor’s safety record and Cal/OSHA citation history should be taken into consideration prior to awarding a bid or contract.

Our Philosophy – “Schools Helping Schools”

Our Goal is to provide the best coverage and service to our members while keeping costs affordable and stable.

SISC is a Joint Powers Authority administered by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office, John G. Mendiburu, Superintendent


2000 K Street Bakersfield, CA 93301

