Building relationships to deliver innovative coverage
and services
Pooling resources provides schools with a more stable long term insurance solution than purchasing from commercial carriers that may be competitive today and out of reach tomorrow. SISC provides a very cost effective rate environment which reflects its commitment to preventing losses and controlling expenditures. This keeps millions of dollars in the classroom that would have otherwise been paid out in premiums.
Our Boards of Directors are elected by member districts. All Board Members are employees of school districts. This insures that SISC policies are set with the best interests of schools in mind.
All SISC administrative personnel are employees of the school system. We do not make sales commissions. Our fiduciary responsibility is to our members… not a profit margin.
SISC believes ethically responsible organizations service not only their members but all stakeholders: employees, employers, providers, vendors and local communities. SISC’s commitment is to demand standards of behavior which support professional practices. All decisions must take into account and reflect a concern for the interests of all stakeholders. SISC is a Joint Powers Agreement administered by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office Mary C. Barlow, Superintendent