Schools Helping Schools

Building relationships to deliver innovative coverage
and services

VI. Facility Management

1. Preventive maintenance schedules should be in place for district machinery, equipment, bleachers, playground equipment, heating/air-conditioning equipment, and fire sprinkler systems. CCR Title 8, Section 5142; CCR Title 19, Section 904

2. Buildings should be protected by central station alarms, particularly those that contain computers, TV/VCRs, equipment, tools, or other items of value.

3. Video cameras should be installed on campus to detect and deter vandals in areas of specific concern or adverse loss history.

4. There should be a strict key control policy that restricts the distribution of the master key to limited personnel only.

a. There should be a master log maintained that identifies all key recipients.

b. District keys should not have recognizable identifiers on them.

c. Personnel and outside contractors should be held accountable for the loss of a key.

5. Flammable liquids should be stored in approved containers and cabinets. CCR Title 8, Section 5417; CCR Title 19, Section 3.15; UFC 79-81

6. Good housekeeping practices should be strictly enforced.

7. There should be a structured program for the storage and disposal of hazardous waste. CCR Title 22, Section 66262.20; H&S Code 25123.3

8. All underground fuel tanks should meet current regulations for monitoring, containment, etc. H&S Code 25284, 25292, 25288, 25293

9. An accurate inventory of building facilities should be maintained and reported to SISC.

10. Buildings and grounds should be maintained in good condition (trees are healthy and pruned properly, lawns are mowed, landscaping is maintained, buildings are free from peeling paint, buildings have no obvious signs of structural problems, overall site looks cared for rather than neglected).

11. There should be a formal pest management policy in place that addresses buildings and grounds, which emphasizes reduced-risk methods. Open food containers in classrooms should be restricted, particularly if pests are a problem. AB 2260 Healthy Schools Act 2000

12. Playground equipment and play areas should meet the requirements of the Consumer Product Safety Commission Guidelines for Public Playground Safety. H&S Code, Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 22

Our Philosophy – “Schools Helping Schools”

Our Goal is to provide the best coverage and service to our members while keeping costs affordable and stable.

SISC is a Joint Powers Authority administered by the Kern County Superintendent of Schools Office, John G. Mendiburu, Superintendent


2000 K Street Bakersfield, CA 93301

